The Python Conference will be held again in Kumamoto!
PyCon Kyushuは、プログラミング言語 Python のユーザが集う九州地区で開催される技術カンファレンスです。
改めて、2022年にPyCon Kyushu を、熊本で開催することになりました!
PyCon Kyushu 2022 Kumamoto のテーマは Grow with Covid-19 です!
昨年のテーマに、私たちがいま直面している「with Covid-19」を加えようという意見で一致し
今年は「Grow with Covid-19」をテーマとすることにしました。
PyCon Kyushu is a technical conference held in the Kyushu area where users of the Python programming language gather.
Due to the effects of Covid-19, we were not able to hold PyCon in 2020 and 2021.
Due to Covid-19, we were unable to hold PyCon Kyushu in 2020 and 2021, but we have decided to hold PyCon Kyushu in Kumamoto in 2022!
The theme for PyCon Kyushu 2022 Kumamoto is Grow with Covid-19!
Last year's theme was:
・We want to create learning opportunities for students who are expected to grow.
・We want to create a learning opportunity for students who are expected to grow up, and we want to make it an event that leads to growth for both engineers and non-engineers.
・After the Kumamoto earthquake, I wanted to support the people of Kumamoto who are working hard to recover from the disaster.
That is why I decided on "Grow".
We had been aiming to hold this event with the hope that it would lead to the growth of various people,
but However, due to Covid-19, we had to cancel the event.
After reviewing the theme once again.
However, due to Covid-19, the event had to be cancelled. After reviewing the theme again, we agreed to add "Covid-19", which we are facing now, to the theme for 2020.
We have decided that the theme for 2022 will be "Grow with Covid-19".
In spite of this situation, we hope that the younger generation will become more involved in the project.
I hope that we will be able to cooperate and grow together in Kyushu.
日 程 Date |
2022年01月22日(土) January 22, 2022 |
時 間 Time |
9:30〜17:00 (受付/Reception 9:00〜9:30) |
会 場 Venue |
熊本城ホール 会議室B・D |
会場費 Fee |
対 象 Target |
Pythonに関わりたい人、エンジニア、非エンジニア People who want to get involved in Python, engineers and non-engineers |
参加者 Participants |
100名程度(新型コロナウイルスの状況により変動あり) Around 100(Subject to change depending on the status of Covid-19) |
主 催 Organizer |
PyCon Kyushu 実行委員会 |
会場案内Venue information

清水川 貴之
個人では、一般社団法人PyCon JPの会計理事を担当するとともにPython Boot Campで九州を含む日本各地でPython講師をした。Python mini Hack-a-thonやSphinx-users.jpなどのユーザー会運営のかたわら、国内外の数多くのPythonイベントへ登壇するなど、公私ともにPythonとその関連技術の普及活動を行っている。
所属: BeProud / PyCon JP Association
Pythonプロフェッショナルプログラミング (2018 秀和システム刊)
エキスパートPythonプログラミング (2018 アスキードワンゴ刊)
独学プログラマー (2018 日経BP社)
Sphinxをはじめよう (2017 オライリー・ジャパン刊)
他書籍: Amazon 著者セントラル
Twitter: @shimizukawa
URL: http://清水川.jp/
タイムテーブル(予定)Time Table
09:00~09:30 | 開場&受付 / Opening&Reception | ||
メイン会場 / Room B | |||
09:30~09:40 | オープニング / Opening | ||
09:40~10:30 | |||
10:35~10:45 | プラチナスポンサーLT / Platinum Sponsor LT | ||
メイン会場 / Room B | サブ会場 / Room D | ||
10:50~11:20 | |||
11:20~12:30 | ランチブレイク | ||
12:30~13:00 | |||
13:10~13:40 | |||
13:50~14:20 | |||
14:20~15:00 | ティーブレイク&ゴールドスポンサーLT / Gold Sponsor LT | ||
15:00~15:30 | |||
15:40~16:10 | |||
メイン会場 / Room B | |||
16:20~16:50 | クロージングLT / Closing LT | ||
16:50~17:00 | クロージング&記念撮影 / Closing&Commemorative photo |
感染予防対策prevention of infection
When attending the conference, please be sure to cooperate with the following infection prevention measures.
・If you have a fever on the day of the conference, you will not be able to participate in the conference.
(we will do a temperature check on you.)
・You must wear a mask in the venue.
・Do not talk loudly in the venue.
・Before entering the venue, you must be sure to wash and disinfect your hands thoroughly.
(we will prepare the disinfection)
・Eating in the venue is prohibited.
PyCon Kyushu は、九州にゆかりのある Python ユーザを主体に集まったPyCon Kyushu 実行委員会を主催として Python や Python を使ったソフトウェアについて情報交換、交流をするためのカンファレンスです。
PyCon Kyushu の開催を通じて九州の Python ユーザーの新たな開拓、 および日本各地、海外との Python ユーザーと様々な分野の知識や情報を交換し、 新たなパートナーやコミュニティの繁栄、仕事やビジネスチャンスを増やせる場所とすることを目的としています。
PyCon Kyushu is a conference for exchanging information about Python and
Python-based software, organized by the PyCon Kyushu Committee,
which is composed mainly of Python users with connections to Kyushu.
The purpose of PyCon Kyushu is to develop new Python users in Kyushu,
to exchange knowledge and information in various fields with Python users
from all over Japan and overseas, and to provide a place where new partners
and communities can flourish and job and business opportunities can increase.
Harassment includes offensive verbal comments related to gender, age,
sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race,
religion, sexual images in public spaces, deliberate intimidation, stalking,
following, harassing photography or recording, sustained disruption of talks
or other events, inappropriate physical contact, and unwelcome sexual attention.
Participants asked to stop any harassing behavior are expected to comply immediately.
Sponsors are also subject to the anti-harassment policy. In particular,
sponsors should not use sexualised images, activities, or other material.
Booth staff (including volunteers) should not use sexualised clothing/uniforms/costumes,
or otherwise create a sexualised environment.
If a participant engages in harassing behavior,
the conference organisers may take any action they deem appropriate,
including warning the offender or expulsion from the conference with no refund.
If you are being harassed, notice that someone else is being harassed,
or have any other concerns, please contact a member of conference staff immediately.
Conference staff can be identified as they'll be wearing branded t-shirts.
Conference staff will be happy to help participants contact
hotel/venue security or local law enforcement, provide escorts,
or otherwise assist those experiencing harassment to feel safe
for the duration of the conference. We value your attendance.
We expect participants to follow these rules at conference and workshop venues
and conference-related social events.